August was ghost month, and as a closing ceremony at end of the month, our office held the annual bai-bai to pray for prosperity to our business in the coming year. We will soon be relocating to a new office location, so I imagine there were many prayers sent up for the speedy and easy transition into our anticipated place of business.
Our building holds multiple tenants, so our table was sandwiched among the other bai-bai offerings at the front of our building. Just a few pictures from the day...
Another Tenant's Offering Table |
During the first bai-bai session (early afternoon) we all break from our work to go downstairs and pray. All incense is placed in one jar together at the front of the table.
Our Company's Offering Table |
The gods obviously don't mind a drink either...
1st bai-bai: Incense placed together in urn |
And of course, in year of the dragon, some fresh dragon fruit!
Dragon Fruit & Goodies |
A neighboring tenant gathers to burn paper money as offering to the gods.
Neighbors burning paper money offerings |
During the second bai-bai session (later the same afternoon) we all break from our work to go downstairs and pray again. This time the incense is placed among the offerings on the table.
2nd bai-bai: Incense placed among offerings |
At the end of the day... the truth is... all of the offerings are brought inside!
Fresh dragon fruit for everyone! |
I didn't have an official snack drawer before, but I am all set now!
The spoils ~ The new snack drawer at my desk! |
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